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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Higgs in TGD.cmap, HIGGS PARTICLE IN TGD 2. d) Could this term play the the role of Higgs vacuum expectation? Does this term give only a small additional contribution to the masses of particles besides that given by p-adic thermody- namics for wormhole con- tacts and for string like ob- ject in electroweak or even Compton length scale? e) What happens at at the ends of string world sheets? Here the Higgs termwould correspond to the normal (time-like) com- ponent Γ^n of KD gamma matrix. Vanishing of boun- dary variation gives mass shell condition with Higgs massterm: (p^kγ_k+Γ^n)Ψ=0 . f) CP_2 part of Γ^n would give non-tachyonic contri- bution to fermion mass. This terms might provide correlate for the particle mass as given by p-adic mass calculations at some level of hierarchy of space- time sheets. g) M^4 part of Γ^n would give a tachyonic contribu- tion, which might relate to the still poorly understood question about how the tachyonic ground states of super-conformal represen- tations with half integer con- formal weight needed in p- adic mass calculations emer- ge., HIGGS PARTICLE IN TGD 1. Higgs has been the black sheet of TGD for decades. There are several questions which one must distinguish from each other. a) Does TGD predict/allow Higgs like particle or not? b) If Higgs like particle exists in TGD Universe, does Higgs va- cuum expectation provide a mechanism of particle massiva- tion. c) Could it be that Higgs mecha- bism makes sense only in quan- tum field theoretic description relying on point like particles? This assumption does not hold true in TGD and Higgs mecha- nism is indeed only parametriza- tion in the case of fermions. The couplings of fermions to Higgs are chosen to reproduce the mass spectrum. The recent discovery of Higgs meant a very intense period of work in attempts to understand Higgs in TGD. TGD allows Higgs but p-adic thermodynamics sug- gests itself strongly as the proper description of massivation. The analog of Higgs vacuum ex- pectation is not completely exclu- ded as the description at QFT limit of TGD., HIGGS PARTICLE IN TGD 2. Quite recent little prog- ress in the understanding of Kähler-Dirac equation suggests that the analog of Higgs vacuum expecta- tion might be present and could even code for masses although p-adic mass calculations certain- ly are the manner to un- derstand particle masses. a) The Kähler-Dirac action for the modes of induced imbedding space spinor field reduces to a vanishing contribution in the interior of space-time surface and by weak form of electric magnetic duality (WFEMD) to a boundary term given by Chern-Simons action. b) For the light-like parto- nic orbits associated with wormhole contacts these terms must vanish by conservation of fermionic charges and one obtains just algebraic form of M^4 Dirac action at the partonic 2-surface so that massless fermionic propagators are obtained. Nothing Higgs like in propagators. c) At the space-like 3-sur- faces defining the ends of space-time at boundaries of CDs one obtains algeb- raic massless Dirac plus Chern-Simons term., HIGGS PARTICLE IN TGD 2. Possible answers to the questions. a) TGD allows Higgs like particles and it would be very difficult to develop a convincing argument for their non-existence. The model for elementary particles as string like objects consisting of "ur- fermions" with electro- weak quantum numbers of electron and quark al- lows also scalar particles. b) The notion of Higgs vacuum expectation as fundamental mechanism of particle massivation is not supported by the follo- wing argument. *Higgs would naturally correspond to CP_2 vector field -most naturally in complex coordinates for CP_2 behaving like elect- ro-weak doublet. *This field should be cova- riantly constant but CP_2 does not allow covariantly constant vector fields. This could conform with the view that p-adic ther- modynamics describes particle massivation. c) One can consider loop- hole to this argument. Could it happen that Higgs field is covariantly constant only with respect to the induced spinor connection?